Welcome to Allison's Bookish Ramblings!
Here is THE PLACE to find reviews of fantasy, speculative fiction, mythic fiction, and the occasional book that fits none of these categories!
Who am I?
24601!!!! (sorry, hope some of you understand the theater geek in me...)
Ok, so who am I?
Obviously, my name is Allison. I'm a mother of two preschoolers who lives in Middle-of-Nowhere, NJ (yes, that is a valid section of the state), I'm a self-employed piano teacher who spends her non-work/non-active-parenting time reading, crafting, and thinking about gardening (actual gardening hasn't happened in a very long time).
And you read what?
Mostly fantasy. Lately, I've been sticking to books that are not part of lengthy series (except for that Wheel of Time marathon that happened last year), so not a lot of "epic fantasy," but lots of books based on mythology, folklore, fairytales, and just other fun less-than-realistic reads.
Favorite books I've read in the last few years:
The Winternight Trilogy by Arden * The Starless Sea by Morgenstern * The Once and Future Witchse by Harrow * Dreams Underfoot by de Lint * The Lost Queen by Pike * The Night Circus by Morgenstern * The Light of the Midnight Stars by Rossner * Snow White Learns Witchcraft by Goss * The Bloody Chamber by Carter * The Sevenwaters Trilogy by Marillier * Circe by Miller * Ariadne by Saint * The Song of Achilles by Miller * Blackthorn and Grim by Marillier * The Orphan's Tales by Valente * Fairyland by Valente * The Sisters of the Winter Wood by Gossner * The Fionavar Tapestry by Kay * Shades of Magic by Schwab * To the Bright Edge of the World by Ivey * The Wood Wife by Windling * The Snow Child by Ivey * The Priory of the Orange Tree by Shannon * The Golem and the Jinni by Wecker * The Earth Sea Cycle by Le Guin * The Last Unicorn by Beagle * Neverwhere by Gaiman
And that's just the beginning of the list of books that makes my geeky heart soar! You can expect to find reviews of old favorites, old non-favorites that haven't yet escaped by thoughts, new favorites, new disappointments, and ARCs (so terribly excited for THE LAST GRADUATE, #NetGalley)
Occasionally, you'll find the stray middle grade book show up here - The Redwall series (no one knows whether it's middle grade, adult fiction, or what), Howl's Moving Castle, The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Fairyland, etc. Or maybe even picture books that my children and I have fallen in love with will pop up on occassion (but of these, I'll only share the best of the best!).
Welcome to the blog where you can find all (okay, most) of my geekiest thoughts in one place!
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